12 August 2015

In short, we cannot export an BASH array. Exporting not only does no good but also may incur issues (trigger a bug of bash?).

$ cat lib.sh
export MY_VAR=("hello:" "world")
echo -e "In lib.sh:\t ${MY_VAR[@]}"

$ cat test.sh
function my_fun {
    source lib.sh
    echo -e "In my_fun:\t ${MY_VAR[@]}"
echo -e "Out my_fun:\t ${MY_VAR[@]}"

$ ./test.sh
In lib.sh:       hello world
In my_fun:       hello world
Out my_fun:      <== MISSING ==>

Without "export", the code works as expected:

$ cat lib.sh
MY_VAR=(hello world)
echo -e "In lib.sh:\t ${MY_VAR[@]}"

$ ./test.sh
In lib.sh:       hello world
In my_fun:       hello world
Out my_fun:      hello world

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